About Autism Welcoming℠

Autism Welcoming provides training and certification to businesses, with the goal of building inclusive communities for people with autism and their families. Our hands-on certification process takes into account the unique needs of each business, helping organizations make small but impactful changes to create a welcoming environment for people with autism and sensory sensitivities. Our Autism Welcoming Certified Business Directory allows individuals and families to identify welcoming businesses in their communities.

Autism Alliance logo

Our Story

Autism Welcoming launched in 2019 as an initiative of Autism Alliance, a program of Massachusetts-based human service organization Advocates. Through their lived and professional experience, the Autism Welcoming team knew that even everyday outings can present challenges for individuals and families with autism. They also knew that, with training and minor but thoughtful accommodations, businesses could make a world of difference.

Since 2019, the program has grown significantly. More than sixty businesses have been certified, and the program opened a multi-use location in the Natick Mall in 2024. As we grow, our mission remains the same: to create inclusive and accessible spaces that help our communities thrive. 

Recent News

A mall kiosk featuring Autism Welcoming promotional materials, staffed by two light-skinned, smiling women

Autism Welcoming is experiencing fantastic growth, with businesses across the region, state, and country adopting inclusive practices and welcoming diverse clientele. We’re grateful to the many individuals and media outlets helping us to spread the word about the importance of Autism Welcoming business practices.

Get In Touch

Adult with short dark hair and glasses types into a cell phone

We always appreciate connecting with individuals, families, businesses, and media partners. If you’d like to share a story about an Autism Welcoming experience or learn more about our training and certification program, we’d love to hear from you.

Our Team

Adult with shoulder length brown straight hair smiles at the camera
Allison serves as Autism Alliance’s Executive Director and has worked with Autism Alliance since 2006. She deeply values inclusivity for individuals with autism and has been an Autism Welcoming trainer since the program’s inception. Allison enjoys playing pickleball in her free time and dreams of someday starting an adaptive pickleball program for adults with special needs.
Adult with shoulder length curly blond hair and light skin smiles at camera
Penny is the Operations and Outreach Specialist for Autism Alliance. Although you will find Penny at many Autism Alliance events, the majority of her time is spent growing our Autism Welcoming program. Penny is passionate about helping businesses turn their dreams of inclusion into reality.
Adult with shoulder length straight salt and pepper hair and tan skin smiles at the camera
Pam has been a part of Autism Alliance since 1993, initially as a parent member and then joining the staff in 2019. Pam brings her life experience raising her adult daughter with autism to her work with the Autism Welcoming program, wanting all families living with autism to have opportunities in the community. In her spare time, Pam enjoys knitting, especially sweaters as gifts for babies.
Headshot of a man with white hair
Jeff is the Senior Vice President of Strategic Planning at Advocates, Autism Welcoming’s parent organization. For more than five decades, Jeff has worked with people with autism and their families, listening to, learning from, and valuing their voices. Jeff is driven by the belief that all people deserve to live fulfilling lives in communities of their choice.

Our Supporters

Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services logo
Mass Health Logo
flutie foundation lgo
MetroWest Chamber of Commerce logo
Lurie Foundation logo
Ipswich Shellish Group Logo
Arc Massachusetts logo
Wink Salon Autism Welcoming signage

Autism Welcoming℠
Certified Business Directory

Here you’ll find businesses that have completed the Autism Welcoming certification process. These businesses have received customized training on how to welcome individuals with autism and their families, and they have adopted practices designed to make experiences easier for those with autism and other sensory sensitivities.