Certified Businesses Directory /
Appleton Farms
219 Country Road
Ipswich, MA 01938
United States

About Appleton Farms
Appleton Farms is one of the oldest continuously operating farms in the country. Established in 1638, this 1,000-acre property, with its rolling grasslands, grazing livestock, stone walls, vegetable crops, and historic farm buildings, offers a rare glimpse into New England’s agricultural past. Appleton Farms offers year-round programming including culinary workshops and dinners, farm-based education programs and camps, daily fresh baked goods at their farm store, guided & passive recreational activities, private event opportunities & more.
Autism Welcoming Information
Appleton Farms is Autism WelcomingSM certified, and its staff is committed to offering visitors a welcoming atmosphere, accommodations, and sensory-friendly programs. Their everyday accommodations include calming kits and social stories to help make your visit more enjoyable and successful. Ask any staff member about their visual supports and other materials available for your visit. See upcoming events here.